5 Reasons Why Rock Climbing Gyms Are Becoming So Popular

Odds are you have heard of rock climbing. Or, better yet, you have visited a climbing gym near you for a birthday party with a friend, a group outing, or maybe even a work event. Twenty years ago, those odds would’ve been way closer to zero. Without a doubt, climbing gyms are becoming increasingly popular, with new gyms popping up all over, existing gym franchises expanding, and rock climbing entering the biggest stage for athletics: The Olympics. While crediting rock climbing gym’s popularity to the Olympics may be the most straightforward answer, we’re here to explore why it has been on the rise, even before the popularity it gained from the Olympics. So, why are the odds so high that you’ve likely heard of rock climbing gyms, been to one, or better yet, have become an avid gym climber yourself?

Here are our top 5 reasons why rock climbing gyms are becoming so popular:

Fitness Alternative

Rock climbing is an excellent way to fit outside the traditional methods. The reign of weightlifting and running is coming to an end! Adults are beginning to realize that alternative forms of fitness like dance classes, CrossFit, parkour, and rock climbing are incredible ways to build strength and move your body and are way more fun! If the gym was never your thing, climbing might be for you.

It Looks Pretty Dang Cool

Rock climbing is one of the most photogenic and aesthetic sports. When you climb outside, the scenery is almost always picture-worthy. And even when you climb indoors, big dynos (jumping movements) or first-time climbs make for excellent social media content. Love it, or hate it, you can’t deny the advantage of reaching a broad audience and the success of social media marketing. Climbing gyms can advertise grand openings or promotions on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. And viral videos of someone succeeding (or failing) bring awareness and views to climbing content and the presence of rock climbing gyms.

Climbing is at the Intersection of Socializing and Fitness

While in every sport and fitness facility, there is the opportunity for socialization and fitness, climbing gyms do it better. Many rock gyms host fun events for members and meetups that revolve around socialization with fellow climbers while getting in a climbing session (aka a full-body workout). Additionally, climbing makes it a social sport or, at the very least, an interpersonal sport for safety purposes. You cannot climb the roped walls without a second individual (yes, we know auto-belays exist, but roll with us for a minute. We know you get the idea). And, while you could boulder by yourself, we’re making a confident assumption that it’s ten times more fun to have a fellow climber to talk to or exchange beta with while resting.


Building off of the unique position of climbing at the intersection of socialization and fitness is the community climbing gyms create. If you polled every climber in the nearest climbing gym to you, many of them would say they love rock climbing because of the community they have found. The climbing community is generally welcoming, down-to-earth, motivating, uplifting, and fun! Friends made in the gym become friends you get drinks with on a Saturday evening or have over for BBQs. If nothing else about rock climbing entices you, at least give it a try for the community – it is pretty incredible.


Back in the 1950s and 1960s, climbing was this thing you had to live near mountains to do and something you’d have to acquire all this special gear for, such as ropes, pitons, carabiners, and harnesses. It was relatively unheard of because there was no money to be gained and an evident lack of accessibility to most of the public. But now, commercial climbing gyms are everywhere. You may not even need a car to get to the nearest one. And climbing gyms provide all the gear you need to get started, whether renting it or buying it from the little retail shop most gyms now include. And there’s money to be made in the sport now. Professional climbers, who climb for a living, are becoming big names (think Alex Honnold from Free Solo).

As climbing gyms become increasingly popular, there doesn’t seem to be an end to their success. If you have yet to try to find a climbing gym, give it a whirl!

We’d love to hear from you all! Let us know in the comments below if we missed a big reason contributing to the popularity of rock climbing gyms!




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