Top 3 Ways to Meet New People

As anyone who is out of school knows, making friends as a young adult is hard. It is a process that requires the following conditions to all magically happen at once:


You must be near people.

You must desire to reach out to those people.

Those people must want to hang out with you.

Those people’s schedules need to match up with yours.


These are too many things.


Good for you if you can get three out of the four things to happen.


In my experience, any single one of those things is quite common. But even if two of those things do happen, it might not result in a friendship in the sense that you spend quality time connecting with people in a mutually beneficial way.


One may also call this having fun!


Here are the top three ways to meet new people and the tips to help get you started.

What’s the first way to meet new people? How about a website? With the way the world is evolving, meeting new people online is so much easier and better than it has ever been. This website provides endless opportunities for meeting new people. Meetup has been around for twenty years, and they have events for everything from hiking to photography.


Join a group and join an event locally! Don’t have the time or want to try something new? They even have online events from practicing yoga to joining a book club and reviewing the latest novel.


And if you didn’t find what you’re looking for, it’s super easy to start your own group. You don’t have to be a professional to start one. Find something you’re passionate about and connect to those same people!


One last way to utilize Meetup is to connect through your career. This is especially beneficial to those starting in a new field who would like guidance or support. You’ll learn new things and talk to your peers about exciting opportunities. 


The meetups are open to anybody, and all those people are also looking for the same interests so you will have at least two things in common with everyone else who attends.

Try rock climbing

The best way to meet new people? I think so because it worked for me. I went to a rock climbing gym, took a safety class, and started climbing. Since there were other people around me doing the same thing, we immediately had something in common.


In top-roping, you need a partner and someone is always willing to belay you up the wall. Also, there are always sign-up sheets based on times/days to find more partners if you want a more regular climbing schedule.


And bouldering is the most social sport you can imagine. Sitting on a bench resting from a climb is one of the best parts of bouldering. Whether it’s encouragement from another climber or a chill vibe that lets you be yourself, rock climbing is the perfect atmosphere to hang with people and make friends.


Sure you can do this at any gym, but there is something special about rock climbing gyms. There is a sense of community that happens here that is almost indescribable. Start becoming a regular, and you’ll meet the coolest people and find yourself becoming more welcoming to those around you.

Get a job or volunteer

Another great place to meet new people is to make a little money while doing it. Why not!


Find a place to work where you will inherently have something in common with your co-workers. You can talk about work! Ok, maybe not everyone is excited about work so the key is to find a job that allows you to be passionate. 


If you already have a job where you work from home or if you have co-workers with who you know you do not want to interact, find a fun part-time job. Or figure out a way to quit your job and find a new one where you have more in common with the people.


Don’t want that commitment or have the time? Volunteering is another great option. It’ll make you feel good and if you are unsure about your career direction, volunteering is a wonderful way to network and explore different work sectors.


All these things require that you be willing to engage in or even start conversations with strangers, which can be intimidating for some people. If you find it difficult to muster up the willingness to talk to new people, here are some following tips. 

Quick Tips:

People like to talk about themselves. You probably like it when people show interest in you. Other people like it when you show interest in them, too.



Other adults around you are likely thinking the same thing about how hard it is to make friends. This is a common feeling among adults who are no longer around the people they grew up being friends with.


If you try to engage someone and they do not want to talk, then you still end up back in the same place, but at least you tried; better luck with the next person.


When meeting new people, there are bound to be awkward moments or silences or other things that might indicate things are not going perfectly. Remember, the more you practice talking to strangers, the better you will get at it.

Hopefully, these tips help you find and solidify friendships that last a lifetime. What’s the worst that can happen? You find a new hobby you love, you find a new job that leads to an impactful career, or you become a rock climber and join a community that welcomes everyone. Give it a try!




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