What is my Burn Series Ranking?

This ranking system is a way for you to track your progress through the season.

Ranking Points will be updated after each event based on the individual’s placement relative to others in their category.  Competitors will carry their Ranking Points with them throughout the season.


Each competitor will start the series with a point value based on their ranking in the last season. New competitors will be given an average point value.

Here’s how Burn Series Ranking Points are calculated:

For those you place higher than, your points will increase. You get a large bump for placing above someone who was previously ranked higher than you, and a small bump for placing above someone who was ranked at or below you. The inverse is true for other competitors. Your points will decrease for each person placed above you. They’ll decrease more for those who previously ranked lower, and less for those who are already ranked higher than you.

Historic Results

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