Do I Need A Waiver?
You sure do! As with any super awesome and fun activity, there are inherent risks in climbing that we cannot fully remove. We do everything within our power to minimize that risk as much as humanly possible, but alas, insurance companies are real and for liability reasons, anyone who participates in any PRG activity must have a signed waiver on file.
For participants under the age of 18, a parent or legal guardian must sign the waiver. You cannot sign a waiver for any child who is not under your legal custody.
Click here to create an account and sign your waiver before you arrive (you can also do it when you arrive at the gym).
There Are Different Types Of Climbing? What Are They?
Ah, yes. Excellent question. Just like how snowboarding and skiing are two different activities that require you to slide down a snow-covered hill, climbing has different styles of the same sport.
We offer three kinds in our facilities:
Top Roping – When you think of climbing, you probably imagine a climber wearing a harness and tied to a rope, with their partner standing on the ground, holding the other end of the rope (known as “belaying”). That’s Top Rope climbing! The rope is already anchored at the top of the wall, hence the name. At some locations, we have Auto-belays for climbers to use instead of having a partner be their belayer.
Bouldering – Named after the act of scrambling up giant outdoor boulders, bouldering is a style of climbing done on shorter walls, without ropes, but with big, cushy mats beneath you. It does not require a climbing partner, so it’s an awesome way to get into the sport if you’re flying solo at the gym.
Lead Climbing – A more advanced style of climbing, the climber ‘leads’ their rope up the wall, clipping in to certain anchor points called ‘quick draws’ as they climb.
I’ve Never Climbed Before. Where Do I Begin?
Well, you found our website, so you are off to a killer start, my friend! Our First Time Climber Package and Intro to Climbing Package are the perfect launch pads to your newest obsession (you’ll see).
Click here to learn more about each of those options, and select the one that is right for you!
Please note: You must be 16 or older to take a class.
I Have Climbed Before. Do I Need To Take A Class?
Welcome, rock star! Experienced climbers who can confidently demonstrate that they are proficient in safety basics for top rope belaying and/or bouldering can take a certification test and test out of the class. Then you’ll be a PRG certified rock star.
If you have experience lead climbing and wish to lead in our facilities, you can take a lead certification test after you pass the top rope belay test.
Is There A Weight Limit?
There is no weight limit to climb on Top Rope or to Boulder. Our equipment is rated to hold far more weight than you would ever need to consider. Please note that you will be falling on to the mats if you choose to boulder, so you need to be comfortable doing so.
The Auto-belays have a weight limit of 330lbs.
Obviously, you should consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity if you have additional concerns.
What Should I Wear?
Anything you can move in! Comfortable, athletic clothing and sneakers are perfect.
We recommend that you leave the short shorts at home though… they don’t work well with a harness.
Why Do You Require A Belay Certification And A Bouldering Certification?
At PRG, we believe ALL aspects of climbing safety are equally important.
Just as we would not assume that you would automatically know how to use the ropes effectively, we do not assume that you would automatically know how to minimize the risks of falling off of a 15 foot bouldering wall—it’s just not something that most people generally do (or feel comfortable doing).
As with other sports where falling is commonplace—martial arts, gymnastics, wrestling—training and practice in proper landings, and an awareness of the risks, reduce the rates of injury, increases your comfort level, and, as a result, enhances your enjoyment of the sport.
So yeah, we’re a bit different, and it’s entirely because we love you and care about you. (Awww.)
My Kids Want To Climb. What Are My Options And How Old Do They Have To Be?
Kiddos under the age of 16 must climb on a rope. The only exception to this rule is for our Youth Program participants who are under the relentless supervision of our stellar coaching staff.
This means they will need to be accompanied by an adult who can hold the safety rope for them. Your options are:
Learn to operate the rope yourself: Our Youth First Time Climber Package includes a brief (less than 10 minutes!) auto-belay orientation for an adult, and a day pass and gear rental for your kiddo. This allows you to walk in whenever is convenient and let your kid climb on our auto-belays until they’re tired! No reservations needed.
Secondly, our Family Intro to Climbing Packages are an awesome and cost-effective way for mom or dad to learn all of the basics of Top Rope climbing and belaying, while the kiddos get to climb their hearts out. A great option for families who want to climb together. Give us a call to schedule!
Let us hold the ropes: We offer Kids Pass every Saturday and Sunday. Pay for 90 minutes of climbing, and let us do all the work, so your hands are free to take all the photos. First come, first serve!
After School Programs and Camps: From after-school classes to Kids Day Off Camps, to Summer Camps, and beyond. So. Many. Options. Check out our Youth Programs to see what we have to offer.
There is no minimum age to get started! Most kids don’t really take to it until they are 4 or 5, but if your kiddo can fit into our smallest harness and is already climbing your walls at home, we’ll get them climbing!
Do You Have Auto-Belays?
Yes! After a short orientation on how to use auto-belays, you will be free to climb on various levels of routes!
Give us a call or just drop in for hassle-free climbing!
Do You Have Wi-Fi?
Yes! And for you? No charge. Ask your friendly neighborhood PRG staffer for the password.
Were You Always This Awesome? Or Did PRG Make You This Way?
Aw, shucks. Little of option A, little of option B. Come see us and decide for yourself.
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