Have These Traits? Is Climbing For You?

Is climbing for you? This is a tricky question to answer because I am biased. I think climbing truly is for everyone and climbing is for you. 

It is a sport that almost anyone can get into at almost any age. I’ve seen people start as young as two and as late as 80.


There are climbers with disabilities. In fact, there are at least two national organizations dedicated to helping individuals with disabilities break into climbing. There is also a US National Para-Climbing league.


There are climbers who participate in other sports and climbers who do nothing other than climb, myself included.


Climbing is in nature a self-paced sport and it has an incredibly supportive community. This means there are few barriers to entry for someone new. It’s difficult to think of anyone who wouldn’t benefit from and enjoy this uniquely rewarding activity.


So what are the factors that determine if climbing is for you? If you have trouble with motivation, direction, or ego then you may want to think twice before getting started in climbing.

Difficulty Self-Motivating Trait

Have this trait? Is climbing for you? As with any sport, you will get out of climbing what you put into it. If you are just looking for a new and rewarding experience then I still recommend giving it a try—you won’t regret it.
However, if you are looking for a new sport or fitness option, it is important to realize that there is a learning curve. 

The engaging nature of the activity and the supportive environment makes working out much more fun. In order to see improvement, you will need to put in the time and that requires a certain amount of motivation.


Of course, if you do better when you are being motivated by someone else, you can always hire a climbing coach or trainer. They will help keep you on the right track.

Difficulty with Self-Direction Trait

Is climbing for you if you lack self-direction? While personal training and fitness-oriented climbing classes are on the rise, that part of the sport is still quite young.
The majority of climbers set their own goals and decide their own climbing schedule. And they usually create their own workout schedules, too.

For some this level of freedom and independence is a primary factor in choosing this sport. But for others, the lack of structure seems intimidating. This leads to a quick plateau, and a possible sense of aimlessness, that can sap their motivation.


If you find a good local climbing gym you can always hire a personal trainer to help you navigate these difficulties and guide you into a structured workout plan.

You Have a Huge Ego Trait

The dreaded ego. Do you have this trait? The climbing community has historically avoided the cults of celebrity and the starstruck mentality that tends to wind its way through other sports.
I’ve sat around campfires with some of the best climbers in the world. And I find them as down-to-earth as anyone I’ve met.

Self-promotion, arrogance, and egotistical behavior are not merely frowned upon, but actively discouraged by all climbers.


I’ve watched the “lowliest” climbers on the easiest climbs dress down world-class athletes for butting in line, trash-talking weaker climbers, or any number of other “liberties” that such people might feel entitled to take.


Climbers value humility as much as any other trait in their community. So, if you are looking for special treatment because you are the strongest climber in the room, then we would ask you humbly, to pick another sport. Is climbing for you? Probably not.

Is Climbing For You Conclusion

If you have trouble self-motivating yourself to get to the gym, you constantly need self-direction, and are ego-driven to the point of putting those around you down, then maybe climbing isn’t for you.


However, if you’re someone who finds motivation in small successes, enjoys the freedom of setting your own schedule, and thinks big egos are buzzkills, then it might be the perfect sport and climbing is for you. Give it a try!




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