Use This Hack to Magically Consolidate Your Kid’s Busy Schedule

We live during a time when kids have access to so many activities, sports, and hobbies. The after-school and weekend hours can be enriching but their schedules are bursting at the seams! Use this hack to magically consolidate your kid’s busy schedule.

What are We Consolidating?

Sure, it’s all good stuff. 


Chess Club offers practice in problem-solving, strategy, and thinking ahead. 


STEM club offers opportunities for hands-on experimentation and analytical thinking


Sports leagues keep your kids moving and healthy. 


Dance and gymnastics teach balance and coordination.


And don’t forget about fencing. It’s a niche sport that will look good on a college application someday.


Replacing All Those Activities With Climbing

These are all wonderful activities. But wouldn’t it be nice to pluck all those valuable offerings from each activity and mesh them into one?


And you can. Climbing offers all those qualities of problem-solving, strategy, sports, balance, and coordination. It’s unique enough to stand out but also mainstream for the Olympics.


Let’s go into detail on why using this hack with climbing can consolidate your kid’s busy schedule. Then check out your local climbing gym to see their after-school programs.

Climbing is Analytical

Climbing is not simply getting from point A to point B.  If that were the case, it wouldn’t be a sport.  There would be nothing impressive or fun about it.


Further, climbing forces you to be analytical. You don’t just move a chess piece across the board with thinking. You have to think about the chain of events that follow.  And much like chess, climbing demands that you think ahead first for the best results.

Climbing is Experimental

Climbing is also not a simple formula.  Much like that STEM Club, climbing is going to teach your kid a whole lot of cause and effect. And it’s going to require endless experimentation. 


Obviously, they are not building a rocket ship, but there is a lot of trial and error during a climbing session. Climbing is sure to nurture a healthy attitude towards failure. And in those moments of success, climbing will breed an incredible amount of confidence in their abilities.

Climbing is Endurance

Ok, you may be thinking, “but climbing is just not the same as baseball, tennis, or soccer. “


Yep, that’s true in its nature. However, climbing is an amazingly well-rounded workout. It targets both large and small muscle groups all over the body and has them work together simultaneously. Climbing is great at building functional strength.

Climbing is Teamwork

Other sports emphasize the importance of teamwork. Climbing does too. Don’t forget that climbing on a rope involves more than just the climber. 


Additionally, climbing requires a team of people that are working to build trust. It teaches having each other’s backs and working together efficiently for the sake of everyone’s success. And believe it or not, climbing is considered a social sport. It teaches your kid to cheer on others and give constructive feedback. 

Climbing is Balance

Did we mention climbing works those teeny tiny stabilizer muscles too? 


Climbers learn proper techniques in regards to body positioning on the wall. Climbing emphasizes better balance, control, and coordination across the body. You learn choreography as a climber and mastering it is dictated by the specific route you’ve chosen to climb.

Climbing is Memorization

Remember, it’s not about getting from point A to point B, but how you go about it.  Learning the intended sequence on a climb, gives kids practice with memorization. It helps them identify patterns and develop the inevitable opportunity for improvisation.

Climbing Magically Consolidates Your Kid's Busy Schedule

Unquestionably, climbing offers an incredible assortment of benefits and opportunities for growth.  It is an activity that is far-reaching in what it has to offer and is closely rivaled by a few other activities.


Climbing teaches kids to be more analytical and experimental by assessing their climbs and routes.


Moreover, it helps with endurance and balance while working with many muscle groups including stabilizers.


Climbing helps kids understand the importance of teamwork and building trust.


In addition, it helps with brain development through memorization.


And even though it’s gaining in popularity, it’s still a very niche sport and probably not a topic that comes across the dean of admission’s desk very often. 




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