Mar 08 - May 10
Merit Badge Days
Select Locations
Badge days are here!
Do you think you can tie your figure-eight knot blindfolded? How high can you dyno? Put your skills to the test!
Youth Climbing Series (Y.C.S.) is a “choose your own adventure” style of event. Climbers can opt to just boulder, top rope, or do both plus many more mini-events! The more tasks a climber completes, the more he or she will earn prizes. Y.C.S. is a great opportunity for climbers to show off the skills they’ve learned in class and meet other youth climbers in the PRG community.
Climbers have two formats from which to choose: Bingo & Red Point. To learn more about each format, check out our FAQ section below!
Whether you’re looking to move towards competitive climbing or are simply looking for a fun day in the gym, to make new climbing friends, or to show your friends & family all that you’ve learned, Y.C.S. is an event you don’t want to miss!
YCS #1
Saturday, November 2: PRG Wyncote from 1:45- 4:30 PM
YCS #2
Saturday, February 29: PRG Coatesville from 1:45-4:30 PM
YCS #3
Sunday, March 22: PRG East Falls from 1:45-4:30 PM
Saturday, June 6: PRG Oaks from 1:45-4:30 PM
Former or current Youth Program participants, call 877-822-7673 to register today!
Any current or former Kinder Climb, Kids Climb, Advanced Kids Climb or Club Team climbers between the ages of 4 – 15 years old are welcome to register and participate.
Saturday, November 3, 2018 at PRG Wyncote from 1:45-4:30 PM
Saturday, January 12, 2019 at PRG Coatesville from 1:45-4:30 PM
Sunday, March 3, 2019 at PRG East Falls from 1:45-4:30 PM
YCS FINALE: Saturday, June 1, 2019 at PRG Oaks from 1:45-4:30 PM
Annual Pass holders have 1 free admission to YCS per year to use. To sign up using your free admission, email our Youth Program Director at kids@philarockgym.com.
Pre-registration cost: $20
Day-of Registration cost: $25
All four 2017-18 YCS event registrations are currently open. To pre-register (and save!), please call our staff at 877.822.7673.
No. Equipment rentals are included in the cost of YCS.
Because climbing involves specific safety procedures, YCS is a closed event open only to former or current PRG Youth Program participants (Kinder Climb, Kids Climb, Advanced Kids Climb, and Club Team). Friends are welcome to attend and cheer on the climbers.
Parents are not required to stay during the event but we highly encourage friends and family to come out and cheer on the climbers! Parents dropping off are expected to pick up their child by 4:30 PM.
All four 2017-18 YCS event registrations are currently open. To pre-register (and save!), please call our staff at 877.822.7673.
YCS offers two formats for climbers to choose from. The “Bingo” format is a completion-based event (not necessarily competition based). Climbers are rewarded based on how much they do or how much they complete in the allotted time given rather than being ranked against other participants.
The other format is a “Redpoint” format which is designed to encourage climbers to earn the highest score they can during the allotted time given. Climbers are then ranked in their own category by score. This is a great option for experienced or advanced climbers.
Regardless of which format your child chooses, YCS is designed to help your child track his/her goals and accomplishments throughout the event and learn basic competition strategy simply by participating. The beauty of a YCS event is that it can be treated as competitively or recreationally as desired. For climbers pursuing Team PRG and wanting to participate in PRG’s Burn Series, this is a great first step.
Absolutely. PRG coaches will attend to help run the stations, regulate and monitor climbing, perform safety checks, offer guidance, and reward climbers for their achievements.
For the first time, YCS will allow climbers to take their belt tests formally. Kids who cannot attend YCS will still find out their belt-level achievements and goals on the last week of classes each session. YCS allows climbers another opportunity for growth and advancement in the sport!
Climbers will be given a specific “BINGO” scorecard for the particular belt level they are choosing to test out of. If the scorecard is successfully and completed by the end of the designated climbing time, students will be able to move on to the next belt level with their coach’s final approval.
No! There is something for everyone at YCS. Climbers who are in between levels or who just want to have fun and not feel pressure at the event can use the generic “BINGO” scorecard to navigate their way through the event. Generic scorecards are designed to be applied to your child’s specific level no matter what their current level may be.
The Bingo Format is truly a “choose your own adventure” style format that focuses on completion rather than competition. It’s a unique and fun way for climbers to track their own progress and showcase what they have learned to friends and family. And of course, it’s another excellent way to get into the gym and CLIMB!
Who: Kinder Climb, Kids Climb, Advanced Kids Climb (AKC), and Club Team are all welcome to participate in the Bingo Format.
Objective: Move about the gym at your own pace to complete as many climbing tasks as possible on your game card. Receive prizes for achieving BINGO in 13 different ways! Climbers also have the opportunity to test up in the belt levels using the bingo format if they choose to do so.
Similar to the format used in local, regional, divisional, and national-level route competitions, our YCS High Point Format encourages climbers to earn the highest score during the allotted time. As the name indicates, the High Point format credits climbers for each move they successfully do on a climb up to the last (or highest) point they could control before falling. Climbers are encouraged to climb as much and as high as they are able and comfortable climbing. Climbers will be awarded points for each hold they control before sending or falling and all points earned will be counted towards a climber’s final score.
Each climb has a specific “send bonus” which earns climbers extra points for sending the climb. However, sending is not required to earn points on climbs that participants try. We are embracing the High Point Format for our YCS climbers this year because we fully believe this format aligns with our philosophical view on climbing: every move is an accomplishment!
Who: Required for Advanced Club Team climbers. However, all are welcome to participate in the High Point Format.
Competitors will be divided up into categories accordingly and will compete against other climbers in his/her categories:
Male, ages 11 & under
Female, ages 11 & under
Male, ages 12-13
Female, ages 12-13
Male, ages 14-15
Female, ages 14-15
Prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. placing competitors.
A series ranking will also be tracked over the course of all 4 events, which allows climbers who may have had a sub-par day to pull ahead in rank by the finale event in June! Special honors will be given for series rankings at the finale event on June 6th!