We need at least 30 registrants to run this event.

Click here to register!

You must pre-register for this event.

Donating blood products is essential to community health and eligible donors are encouraged to donate during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Red Cross follows the highest standards of safety and infection control, and volunteer donors are the only source of blood for those in need.

For the safety of our donor community and in accordance with CDC guidelines, all donors are required to wear a face covering or mask. Please bring one to your donation.


  • What If I Have Concerns About Giving Blood?

    Please click here to visit the Red Cross website. They address some common concerns there. They also answer questions about safety protocols, including information about Covid-19.

  • Who Is Working This Event?

    The Philadelphia Rock Gym is providing a location for the Red Cross to have a blood drive. Some of our staff will be doing volunteer things, like check-in, but everything else is run by medical professionals through the Red Cross.

  • Can I Climb While This Event Is Happening, Since Your Doors Will Be Open Anyway?

    No. The only thing going on will be the blood drive. We are allowed to host this only because a blood drive is an essential service. But we do hope to see you there!

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