
How to Prevent the Annoying ‘Barn Door’ in Climbing

It’s Really Annoying. What’s the Solution? How do you prevent the annoying ‘barn door’ in climbing? In simple terms, cross-body tension.  Here’s an example. In a perfect world, we would Read More


What to Know About Climbing: Basic Hold Use

Basic Isn’t so Bad. Our previous article gave us a clearer idea of what straight-arming is and how it works. Let’s move on to explaining what climbers do best: holding Read More


What is Straight-Arming and Why Every Climber Should Do It

Let’s Talk About Straight-Arming On Vertical Walls. What is straight-arming and why should every climber do it? We covered straight-arming on slab in the previous article, How to Climb on Read More

Beginner, Slab

How to Climb on Slab Using This Technique

What is the Technique? It’s called straight-arming.   In a previous article, we covered what your lower body should be doing on slab climbing. Now you’ll learn about the upper-body Read More


Beware of This Climbing No-No

What’s the No-No? Avoid the ‘M’ Position. Following up on our article on how to properly weight-shift in ‘What Every Climber Needs to Know About Balance,’ this article explains how Read More


What Every Climber Needs to Know About Balance

Balance, Weight-Shifting, and Hips. What every climber needs to know about balance is to focus their weight on body position, particularly their hips.   Weight-shifting on vertical terrain is essentially Read More

Beginner, Slab

3 Steps to Make You a Better Climber

It’s All About Balance and Weight-Shifting. Let’s get right into it. Here are the 3 steps to make you a better climber. And it all has to do with balance Read More

Beginner, Gear

Understanding Your Climbing Shoes

Getting Down to the Basics. If you’ve read our previous articles, “How to Climb Efficiently” and “All About Climbing Walls,” you are now armed with the fundamental principles of good Read More


Mistakes Newer Climbers Should Avoid

New to climbing? You’ve come to the right place. Let’s cover the two mistakes newer climbers should avoid with their climbing shoes. Firstly, avoid standing on the ball of the Read More